Monday, 16 July 2007

Finally an acceptable reason to blog

I never really got this blogging. I routinely ask friends with blogs what the big idea is. Why would you do it, and why would anyone care if you did? Is it not just writing a personal journal and leaving it in the town square? Is that not just really, really weird?
I got the answer a few days ago from either of the writers of 2 tanter or Daniel Lugn:

You start to notice your surroundings.

The idea is that in some way ( good or bad, not sure yet) after a while you start to think about what in your surrounding could become food for your blog. I like that thought. I'd like to be that guy that starts to giggle at the sight of some obscure coincidence that is actually pretty cool when you think about it. I like thinking about stuff.

Stuff is cool.

Oh and; Yay! First post.


Daniel Lugn said...

hey din sillsmörgås!
det glädjer mig att du slutligen valde att ansluta dig till vårt sällskap. du kommer inte att ångra dig. boka in vimålarkrokiochspelarbanjo-träffen i helgen. det blir alltid festligt.

och så vill jag passa på att tacka så hjärltligt för att jag fick vara med och leka festival med er oxå.

ärtor ut!

Membot said...

Yezzz.... join uzzz.... it's blizzzz...

It was fun having you there, I saw more bands than I would have oterhwise :)